<div class="programs-tag">Photoshop</div>
<div class="programs-tag">Godot</div>
<a class="idlinkmain">[UI] Game UI</a>
Sprout Planet was created for the GameJam Crée Le Jeu. The goal of our small team of two was to create a small anticapitalist tapping game. We designed Sprout Planet to be a learning experience about letting things grow.If the player taps too much, the planet strains and dies, but if the player taps too little, the planet goes back to sleep. The player has to pay attention in order to take care of this little planet and letting it grow to its full potential.
I designed everything visual when it comes to Sprout Planet, from the cute design of the planet to the different environments that grow on it.
<div class="div-block-12"><a href="#" class="w-inline-block w-lightbox" aria-label="open lightbox" aria-haspopup="dialog"><img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/6222319bdf25180f46b44ffa/624cdd8d8ba4e15b41cae941_sprout%20screen2.png" loading="lazy" alt=""><script type="application/json" class="w-json">{
"items": [
"_id": "example_img",
"origFileName": "image-placeholder.svg",
"fileName": "image-placeholder.svg",
"fileSize": 2063,
"height": 150,
"url": "https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/6222319bdf25180f46b44ffa/624cdd8d8ba4e15b41cae941_sprout%20screen2.png",
"width": 150,
"type": "image"
"group": ""
}</script></a><div class="text-block-2">This is some text inside of a div block.</div></div>